manipulation mobiles
Mobile Manipulation Tutorial - ShanghaiTech
2020年9月17日 A mobile manipulator is a robot system composed of a robotics arm installed on a mobile robotic platform. Through this combination, robots have an unlim
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[2312.06639] Harmonic Mobile Manipulation - arXiv
2023年12月11日 Harmonic Mobile Manipulation. Ruihan Yang, Yejin Kim, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Xiaolong Wang, Kiana Ehsani. Recent advancements in robotics have
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[2203.04051] Robot Learning of Mobile Manipulation with
2022年3月8日 Mobile Manipulation (MM) systems are ideal candidates for taking up the role of a personal assistant in unstructured real-world environments. Among other
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A review of the challenges in mobile manipulation:
2020年9月3日 In this paper, we discuss state-of-the-art developments in mobile manipulation using developments and work done in the context of
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An Architecture for Reactive Mobile Manipulation On-The
An Architecture for Reactive Mobile Manipulation On-The-Move Abstract: We present a generalised architecture for reactive mobile manipulation while a robot's base is in motion
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Sensors Free Full-Text Learning Mobile
2020年2月10日 Extensive simulation and experiment results show that the proposed mobile manipulation system is able to grasp different types of objects autonomously in various simulation and real-world scenarios,
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Mobility and Manipulation SpringerLink
2016年1月1日 Abstract. Mobile manipulation requires the integration of methodologies from all aspects of robotics. Instead of tackling each aspect in isolation, mobile manipulation
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Mobile Manipulation in Unstructured Environments:
2012年6月6日 Mobile manipulation in human environments requires dealing with novel unknown objects, cluttered workspaces, and noisy sensor data. We present an approach
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An Architecture for Reactive Mobile Manipulation On
2022年12月15日 Abstract—We present a generalised architecture for reactive mobile manipulation while a robot’s base is in motion toward the next objective in a high-level
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Mobile Manipulation and Mobility as Manipulation-Design
Because limbs are used for mobility and manipulation, a single unified mobile manipulation planner is used to generate autonomous behaviors, including walking, sitting, climbing,
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[2312.06639] Harmonic Mobile Manipulation - arXiv
2023年12月11日 Recent advancements in robotics have enabled robots to navigate complex scenes or manipulate diverse objects independently. However, robots are still impotent in many household tasks requiring coordinated behaviors such as opening doors. The factorization of navigation and manipulation, while effective for some tasks, fails in
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UniTeam: Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation Challenge
2023年12月14日 This report introduces our UniTeam agent - an improved baseline for the "HomeRobot: Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation" challenge. The challenge poses problems of navigation in unfamiliar environments, manipulation of novel objects, and recognition of open-vocabulary object classes. This challenge aims to facilitate cross
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[2306.11565] HomeRobot: Open-Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation
2023年6月20日 HomeRobot (noun): An affordable compliant robot that navigates homes and manipulates a wide range of objects in order to complete everyday tasks. Open-Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation (OVMM) is the problem of picking any object in any unseen environment, and placing it in a commanded location. This is a foundational challenge for
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[2401.02117] Mobile ALOHA: Learning Bimanual Mobile Manipulation
2024年1月4日 Imitation learning from human demonstrations has shown impressive performance in robotics. However, most results focus on table-top manipulation, lacking the mobility and dexterity necessary for generally useful tasks. In this work, we develop a system for imitating mobile manipulation tasks that are bimanual and require whole-body
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[PDF] Mobile ALOHA: Learning Bimanual Mobile Manipulation
2024年1月4日 This work develops a system for imitating mobile manipulation tasks that are bimanual and require whole-body control and presents Mobile ALOHA, a low-cost and whole-body teleoperation system for data collection and supervised behavior cloning. Imitation learning from human demonstrations has shown impressive performance in
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An Architecture for Reactive Mobile Manipulation On-The
We present a generalised architecture for reactive mobile manipulation while a robot's base is in motion toward the next objective in a high-level task. By performing tasks on-the-move, overall cycle time is reduced compared to methods where the base pauses during manipulation. Reactive control of the manipulator enables grasping objects with
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Enabling Failure Recovery for On-The-Move Mobile Manipulation
2023年5月15日 The result is a system that retains the reliability of traditional mobile manipulation approaches where the base comes to a stop, but leverages the performance gains available by performing manipulation on-the-move. The controller keeps the base in range of the target for as long as required to recover from manipulation failures while
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IROS 2022 Workshop on Mobile Manipulation and
Talk: Mobile Manipulation for in-space assembly and servicing operations: Maximo Roa: 13:25 – 13:40: Mobile Manipulation: Challenges and Opportunities: Roberto Martin-Martin Georgia Chalvatzaki: 13:40 – 14:05: Talk: Robots that learn from experience to improve low-level manipulation tasks: Karinne Ramirez-Amaro
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Mobile Manipulation Tutorial - ShanghaiTech
2020年9月17日 However, autonomous mobile manipulation is far more inter-esting, as it opens applications in many different areas like service robotics, manufacturing, logistics and construction. Autonomous mobile manipulation is a highly complicated task, involving many different components. Those include the mechatronics system of the mobile platform, the ...
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Comment fonctionne l'itinérance des données mobiles
2023年12月27日 Activer l'itinérance des données sur Android. Sur votre smartphone Android, activer l'itinérance des données passe par la manipulation suivante : Accédez aux Paramètres ; Sélectionnez Connexions ; Sélectionnez Réseaux mobiles ; Activez les données en itinérance ; L'itinérance des données est bien activée.
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La méthode des moyennes mobiles : principe et exemple
2 天之前 la méthode des moyennes mobiles s’agit de représenter la série statistique en substituant à la valeur observée yi, une valeur ajustée yi’ calculée de la manière suivante : a, b et c représentent des coefficients de pondération dont la valeur est laissée aux choix des statisticiens. Le nombre des observations (ici 3) nécessaires ...
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[2309.15459] GAMMA: Graspability-Aware Mobile MAnipulation
2023年9月27日 Mobile manipulation constitutes a fundamental task for robotic assistants and garners significant attention within the robotics community. A critical challenge inherent in mobile manipulation is the effective observation of the target while approaching it for grasping. In this work, we propose a graspability-aware mobile manipulation approach
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GitHub - ctsaitsao/mobile-manipulation: Simulating a mobile
Final project for ME 449: Robotic Manipulation, Northwestern University, Fall 2019. Overview. This project consisted of controlling a simulated mobile manipulator to carry a block from its initial configuration to a goal configuration. The simulation engine used was V-REP (now CoppeliaSim), and trajectory and kinematics calculations were done ...
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Mobile Manipulation and Mobility as Manipulation-Design
The system is semiautonomous, enabling low-bandwidth, high latency control operated from a standard laptop. Because limbs are used for mobility and manipulation, a single unified mobile manipulation planner is used to generate autonomous behaviors, including walking, sitting, climbing, grasping, and manipulating.
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[2401.14403] Adaptive Mobile Manipulation for Articulated
2024年1月26日 Deploying robots in open-ended unstructured environments such as homes has been a long-standing research problem. However, robots are often studied only in closed-off lab settings, and prior mobile manipulation work is restricted to pick-move-place, which is arguably just the tip of the iceberg in this area. In this paper, we introduce
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Toward compound navigation tasks on mobiles via spatial manipulation ...
We contrast the Chameleon Lens, which uses 3D movement of a mobile device held in the nonpreferred hand to support panning and zooming, with the Pinch-Flick-Drag metaphor of directly manipulating the view using multi-touch gestures. Lens-like approaches have significant potential because they can support navigation-selection, navigation
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An Architecture for Reactive Mobile Manipulation On
2022年12月15日 manipulation range of the target and connects the current pose to the next objective. Fig. 3 presents a geometric representation of the method for calculating ˘ C given the current base pose (˘ B), the manipulation target (˘ T), the next target (˘ N), and a closest approach radius (r C). This calculation is updated in real-time in response ...
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GitHub - utiasDSL/mobile_manipulation_central: Central
It is convenient to put the above functions in a script that can be easily sourced. Connect to the robot via ethernet and set up a new Wired Connection named Thing.In the IPv4 Settings tab, switch to method Manual and enter an address of with netmask the gateway blank.
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Learning Mobile Manipulation with Spatial Action Maps
2020年8月31日 Using ConvNets to infer spatial action maps from state images, action predictions are thereby spatially anchored on local visual features in the scene, enabling significantly faster learning of complex behaviors for mobile manipulation tasks with reinforcement learning. In our experiments, we task a robot with pushing objects to a
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